Sunday, July 13, 2008

When Should You Take Your Dog To The Veterinarian?

Like a small child that cannot yet speak, animals can often require medical attention, yet have absolutely no way to articulate the fact that this is the case. Excessive whimpering might become the norm for a sick pooch, but even then, it is hard to differentiate an unhappy dog from an ill dog. There are certain signs that you should look for if you believe your canine needs to be taken to a licensed animal physician. Below, a list of a few telltale signs that your dog could deserve a look-see from a veterinarian.
Fluctuation in Weight
If you notice that your dog has a fairly rapid weight change, a trip to the vet may be in order. Whether this means that weight is lost quickly or gained quickly, problems can arise from both. Perhaps it will mean nothing, but this warning sign poses enough of a risk that you should take your animal to see the vet.
Difficulty Breathing
If your animal begins breathing heavily or struggles to breathe, do not hesitate to contact the vet. More so than weight fluctuation, difficulty breathing points to a particular problem that needs attention. Do not take a "wait-and-see" approach anytime something as necessary as breathing becomes a struggle for your animal.
Development of a Fever
When you pet your animal, you probably do not usually feel anything out of the ordinary. But if your stroking leads you to believe that your dog is hotter than usual, check to see if he or she has a fever. If this is the case, your dog needs medical attention immediately.
If your dog has one or two bouts of diarrhea, he or she probably does not require a trip to the veterinarian. However, if the diarrhea persists for too long, you might want to look into seeing your animal's doctor. Excessive diarrhea can become problematic, as you may put your animal through a litany of harmful problems. For example, prolonged diarrhea can lead to dehydration; the lack of hydration can severely affect your dog's health, possibly leading to death. Diarrhea may also signal another, larger problem. For example, bloody diarrhea can point to a bigger problem that most definitely requires a trip to the vet.
This last problem probably seems like a no-brainer, when it comes to seeking out medical attention. However, many once again take a "wait-and-see" approach, even when it comes to seizures. Rest assured, if your pet has a seizure, rush it to a veterinarian for immediate medical attention.
Naturally, there are countless other scenarios and problems that will require medical attention for your canine. However, the provided list gives some insight on what problems need to be treated by a veterinarian. In actuality, however, if you feel at all worried that something might be wrong with your dog, it is better to be safe than sorry. Take a chance by going to the vet, rather than waiting and causing further harm to your dog.


Cynthia Blue said...

Ugh, it is so hard sometimes to know when to take the dog to the vet. Well, we have six dogs, and if we went for every little thing, we'd be poor (okay we are already getting poor). Our girl Lucy has been often, since she has been diagnosed with megaesophogus. now my boy Levi is limping... but we are gonna wait a bit on him!

Unknown said...

I enjoyed visiting your blog. There is so much useful information. Since I have a Pekinese I am always checking about dogs.